Our American Discourse, Ep. 8: Who's Really in Charge? Government Bureaucracy Under Attack
The people who run our government from day to day aren’t the ones you voted for. They’re the bureaucracy, and the very survival of our democracy depends on them. In this episode, William Resh is their voice, and we would be wise to listen.
Letter to a Trump Supporter #8: Hillary Clinton's Character
This is the eighth in my series of “Letters to a Trump Supporter,” from correspondence with a family friend who supports Mr. Trump. He sent me a series of “debate questions“ that Rush Limbaugh wanted to ask Secretary Clinton, along with a couple other conspiracy theories that are floating around the Internet. This was my response.
Letter to a Trump Supporter #5: Affirmative Action
This is the fifth in my series of “Letters to a Trump Supporter,” from correspondence with a family friend who supports Mr. Trump. Continuing our conversation about Barack Obama, he sent me a so-called “Newsweek” article blaming affirmative action for the Obama presidency. This was my response.
Letter to a Trump Supporter #4: Barack Obama's Christian Faith
This is the fourth in my series of “Letters to a Trump Supporter,” from correspondence with a family friend who supports Mr. Trump. Continuing our conversation about Christianity, he sent me a chain email accusing President Obama of silencing Christians and promoting Islam. This was my response.
Letter to a Trump Supporter #1: Undocumented Immigration
Throughout this election season, I have been corresponding with a family friend who supports Donald Trump. I have explained why I oppose Mr. Trump and why I see the country so differently than he does. In this final month leading up to Election Day, I will publish these “Letters to a Trump Supporter” on this blog. I will begin with the issue that started it all: undocumented immigration.
Even the Shutdown Can't Kill Old Republican Fallacies
Since the government started collecting economic data around World War II, we have accumulated plenty of evidence to measure each party's success at "dealing with the economy" -- and none of it makes Republicans look good.