Best of the Week: January 3-9, 2010
Wow, talk about falling behind in the news! It'll probably take me a couple weeks to catch up. I apologize for the delay, but I will pump out the "Best of the Week" posts as quickly as possible, amid everything else on my desk. -- AWO
10. What Makes a Great Teacher? -- Amanda Ripley
9. Kiev Chameleon -- Julia Ioffe
8. The Life of Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- Lauren Collins
7. Panic Over Teen "Sexting" Eclipses Bigger Threat -- Jesse Singal
6. Prisoners of Parole -- Jeffrey Rosen
5. Obama to Fix Security Flaws; but Could He Please Fix Stupid Racial Profiling? -- Juan Cole, The Real Reason Profiling Fails -- Matthew Yglesias, and The Wrong Kind of Profiling -- Faiz Shakir, Amanda Terkel, Matt Corley, Benjamin Armbruster, Zaid Jilani, & Alex Seitz-Wald
4. Cracks in the Jihad -- Thomas Rid, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: A Primer -- Michelle Shephard, and A Summer in Yemen -- Kent Davis-Packard
3. Gay Marriage, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, and the Supreme Court -- Margaret Talbot
2. Russia, China, Iran Redraw Energy Map -- M. K. Bhadrakumar, The Peace Imperative -- Francesco Sisci, Letter From New Delhi -- Basharat Peer, and How America Can Rise Again -- James Fallows
1. The Year Climate Science Caught Up with What Top Scientists Have Been Saying Privately for Years -- Joseph Romm
BONUS: Suicide as Spectator Sport: What Does That Say About Us? -- Robert Fisk