What to Read on June 30 - July 2, 2009
- Honduran Coup Shines Spotlight on Controversial U.S. Military Training School -- Facing South (via Common Dreams) - One more part of our sordid foreign policy about which Americans are unaware.
- Whisky Tango Foxtrot? -- Robert Dreyfuss - Anyone recognize this pattern of troop increases? LBJ would. (But perhaps the more important point is the emphasis on economic development.)
- The Malthusian Insult -- Paul Krugman - Ah, true, but how do we use Malthus's prediction (and a similar reading of history by Adam Smith) predict the course of the American economy for the next fifty years? The answer to that and many other such questions can be found in my forthcoming book.
- The Global Warming Lie Detector -- Dean Baker - Hypocrisy in action.
- Mississippi River Delta to "Drown" by 2100? -- National Geographic - Here's a big problem that no one is paying attention to. What say we do something about it?
- Caveat Mortgagor -- James Suroweicki - Excellent article by Suroweicki, as usual. A must-read for anyone engaged in the debate over consumer protection in finance. It is disappointing, though, that few people in this debate acknowledge the long struggles of our nation's most famous consumer advocate, Ralph Nader, who tried and tried in vain to prevent exactly this type of crisis.
- What's In A Name? -- Less Wrong - This is downright creepy. Cognitive biases are everywhere.